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Agosto 2023

  /  2023

The Working Group for Small Bodies Nomenclature (WG-SBN) has responsibility, under the authority of the IAU, for the names of small bodies in the Solar System. When a new asteroid is discovered, the Minor Planet Center (MPC) gives it a provisional designation. When the orbit is confirmed, throughout new observations, MPC gets to the object a permanent numerical designation and the

But it doesn’t really end here! You can still access our Scientific Outputs to find out about the important results achieved thanks to three years of international cooperation. In our Final Newsletter, we round things up, summarising some of our main outcomes and touching on other relevant topics. For our younger audience, the mini-Neorockers series has videos and a newsletter. And finally, keep checking

What better way of celebrating Asteroid Day 2023 than publishing our Final newsletter? Download the Final Edition to find out more about the NEOROCKS results with plenty of scientific details for you and a final section dedicated to explaining project achievements to our Mini-Neorockers. You’ll also see that NEOROCKS has decided to celebrate the legacy of Tumbling Stone, the online monthly magazine

Asteroid Day 2023 is approaching, so…what better time of the year to refresh your asteroid knowledge? Let’s get started with our Introducing Asteroids video and by the end of the month we will get to know all about the scientific results achieved during the project by our Neorockers. Click on the picture below and access our video “Introducing Asteroids”! This video is available

“From superbolides to meteorites: physics and dynamics of small planetary impactors”, this is the topic for the 2023 edition of the Paolo Farinella Prize. The deadline for submission is set on the 1st of May 2023. The prize is under the patronage of the European Planetary Science Society and it will be awarded during the joint EPSC/DPS (Department for Planetary Science)

NEOROCKERS are out in force at the IAA Planetary Defence Conference in Vienna. The detailed overview of the programme including abstracts, extended abstract and presentation documents is available here. You'll find a number of posters from our NEOROCKERS, for example in in the session "NEO Characterization". For the Italian speakers among us, take a look at our Project Coordinator from INAF talking